GWF Who’s Next Revolution, Episode 2
Contestants: Xara Grace (Germany) vs. Vivienne (Germany)
Jury: Angelico (AEW), Wesna, Michael Kovac
Contestants: Xara Grace (Germany) vs. Vivienne (Germany)
Jury: Angelico (AEW), Wesna, Michael Kovac
12 aspiring female pro wrestlers are aiming for a spot in the roster of the German Wrestling Federation. They have to convince an expert jury with their skills on the microphone and with action inside the ring. But ultimately you are responsible to choose who advances.
Das Finale zwischen den beiden besteht aus einem klassischen Singles Match, welches die zwei Talente vor über 1100 Zuschauern bei GWF Legacy austragen. Es ist Zeit für das große Finale von WHO’S NEXT!
Teilnehmer: Benji, Lukas Robinson, Georges Khoukaz, Adam Krüger
Jury: Doug Williams, Pascal Spalter, Ahmed Chaer
In der letzten Episode sind die letzten neun Talente im direkten Duell gegeneinander angetreten und mussten in einem klassischen Warm-Up, am Mikrofon und in einem Tag Team Match von sich überzeugen. Die übrig gebliebenen sechs Kontrahenten haben weiter das Ziel vor Augen einen Vertrag mit
Teilnehmer: Matze, Prinz Leopold, Georges Khoukaz, Lukas Robinson, Benji, Slim Jim, Arash, Adam Krüger, Nathan Phoenix
Jury: Doug Williams, Pascal Spalter, Ahmed Chaer
We are three days away from GWF LEGACY, the big anniversary show of the German Wrestling Federation. 22 years in the making and in the final episode of GWF THREE COUNT the biggest conflicts are reaching their peaks.
A week before GWF LEGACY on November 11th the emotions are rising high as the reigning GWF World Champion Pascal Spalter confronts his two challengers Icarus and Chris Colen.
Only two weeks until GWF LEGACY left and it seems like the GWF roster is colliding inside the ring and outside of the squared circle.
In the tenth episode of GWF Three Count we’ll have a confrontation of champions.